jump! Agility is backed by 17 years of strategy, insight and innovation expertise from jump! Innovation
We at jump! Innovation have launched jump! Agility to help organisations respond confidently to unforeseen disruptions and immediate challenges.
This service has been launched to help businesses respond to the pressing challenges and mounting uncertainty caused by Covid19. We'll be flattening the service as soon as we flatten the curve. Contact us now.
Contact for brochure of services
How it works
Get Insight
Get insight into what’s going on and what the big
implications are for response; for comms; employees. We host
three online focus groups with a sharp debrief within one
Fees from €10,000 ex VAT
Get Direction
With your team, define your brand’s response through an
expertly managed online workshop
Fees from €5,000 ex VAT
Get Ideas
Get your teams inventing new products and services. We plan
and manage an online ideation workshop for your team with
skilled facilitators and purposeful creative plans.
Fees from €5,000 ex VAT
Get Data
Quantitative online testing with 48 hours turnaround to
decide which ideas to progress based on hard evidence.
Fees from €6,000 ex VAT
The Team

Email Jen Reid
Talk to Jen in Dublin
+353 86 124 5958
Email Carolynne Kelly
Talk to Carolynne in New York
+1 732 610 7444
Our Clients